Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Pledge for Those Who Want to Limit Legal Immigration

Pledge for Those Who Want to Limit Legal Immigration

I [insert name here] believe:

  • that “illegal immigrants” are holding down wages for the least skilled of
    our workforce
  • that the “illegal aliens” in this country are causing enormous harm; they
    are like a plague of locusts or African killer bees.
  • that patronizing businesses that employ undocumented workers supports criminal behavior; and therefore is also a criminal act.

I pledge that I will:

  • not buy any produce (fruits and vegetables) unless they are certified to
    have been harvested buy U.S. citizens or documented workers.
  • not have my car washed unless I know for a certainty that all the workers
    are U.S. citizens or documented workers.
  • not patronize any business unless they certify that their maintenance
    crews are U.S. citizens or documented workers.
  • not eat at any restaurant unless they certify that all their workers are
    U.S. citizens or documented workers.
  • pay all applicable taxes for workers that provide services to my family
    and children as required by law.




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